
时间:2024-06-11 14:20:54 作者: 字数:43422字


以My Family’s Mid-autumn Day为题目,写一篇不少于80词的短文。






My Family’s Mid-autumn Day



My Family’s Mid-autumn Day

Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese traditional festival. It falls on the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar. Chinese people usually get together to celebrate it at home. On that evening they eat moon cakes, dumplings and some fruits. They also watch the moon outside their houses.

I like Mid-autumn Day very much. On that day we always go to my grandparents’ house. So do my uncles and aunts. We celebrate it there. All of us usually take something delicious to my grandparents. They are always very glad to see us. Then we eat moon cakes and watch the moon together. At that time everyone is very happy. I love all of my family. I love Mid-autumn Day.





用英语讲好中国故事!提升语言能力,传播中国声音。假设China Daily网站中的Culture版块中有一项“Tell a Chinese traditional story”征文活动。假如你是李华,请你以“My favorite Chinese traditional story”为题写一篇英语文章进行投稿。


1. 描述故事内容。

2. 故事带给你的影响和启发。





My favorite Chinese traditional story

There are many traditional stories in China. Among all of the stories, I likeYuGong moves the mountainsbest.

Once upon a time, there was an old man called YuGong. There were two high mountains near his home. They were so high that it took him a long time to walk to the other side. So he decided to move the mountains. YuGong and his family began to move the mountains. They kept moving them day after day, year after year. Finally, a god was so moved that he took the mountains away.

The story reminds us that nothing is impossible as long as we work hard. We should not give up.





国家已经将劳动教育 (Labor Education) 纳入了中小学国家课程。为此,你的学校对全校学生进行了一次调查,内容是关于即将到来的暑假期间学生开展的社会实践活动 (以劳动为主题) 。请根据以下内容提要中的调查结果和要求,完成这篇调查报告。


1. 60%的学生对参加社会实践活动 (social practice activities) 很感兴趣。他们打算打扫街道和公园,让我们的城市变得更美。

2. 40%的学生计划帮他们的父母做家务。例如,帮忙倒垃圾、浇花或者打扫房间等。

3. 至于你,想学一些基本的生活技能,如学会做早餐、煮饭或者做一道菜等。

4. 开展劳动教育让校园生活更加多彩和有意义;我们越早学会独立,我们的未来会更好。

5. 你对开展劳动教育的感受。

参考词汇:(仅供参考) 1. be interested in 2. do housework 3. 1ife skills 4. cook a dish

5. independent

要求:1. 条理清楚,语言通畅。

2. 短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥。

3. 词数不少于80词。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

4. 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在的学校名称。

Our school did a survey among the students about our plans for social practice activity during the summer vacation. Here are the results. ______________________________

Now, I’m looking forward to the coming vacation.


Our school did a survey among the students about our plans for social practice activity during the summer vacation. Here are the results.

Now, I’m looking forward to the coming vacation. Sixty percent of the students are interested in taking part in social practice activities. They are going to clean the streets and parks and make our city more beautiful. Forty percent of students plan to help their parents with housework. For example, they help to take out the garbage, water the flowers or clean the house.

As for me, I want to learn some basic life skills, such as cooking breakfast, cooking or cooking a dish. Carrying out labor education makes campus life more colorful and meaningful. The earlier we learn to be independent, the better our future will be. I am very happy to carry out labor education.

Now, I’m looking forward to the coming vacation.





“双减”政策(double reduction policy)实施以来,学生课业负担轻了,课余时间多了,这些多出来的时间用来干什么呢?为了更好地提升我们的自主学习能力,合理规划课余时间,请你以“How to Plan Our Life Wisely”为题写一篇短文,分享你的规划或提出你的建议,来帮助更多的同龄人。


1. 形成良好习惯,提高学习效率(读好书、做笔记、勤纠错……);

2. 培养高雅情趣,打造完美自我(学绘画、练乐器、多运动……);

3. 制定发展规划,用好课余时间(定时间、定内容、定目标……);

4. ……


1. 短文必须围绕以上提示要点展开,并适当拓展,使文章内容完整,结构合理,表达流畅。

2. 字数:100字左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。

How to Plan Our Life Wisely

The “double reduction policy” reduces the burden on students and offers us more spare time than before, but how to plan our life wisely? Here are my suggestions._______________________________________________


How to Plan Our Life Wisely

The “double reduction policy” reduces the burden on students and offers us more spare time than before, but how to plan our life wisely? Here are my suggestions.

For study, we should form good habits to improve the efficiency of study. For example, we can read some good books, make notes, and often correct mistakes. Besides, we should also develop our hobbies. We can learn to draw, play mucical instruments, do more sports and so on. What’s more, we need to make our own development plans and make good use of our spare time. Such as setting time, content and goals. Finally, it is also a good chance for us to get close to nature and relax ourselves.





作为中学生,我们现在的学习压力很大,经常面对各种考试,因此有时会产生焦虑情绪。请你根据内容要点,以“How to Deal with the Exam Stress”为题写一篇短文。






How to Deal with the Exam Stress

We students are very busy with schoolwork and in the face of many exams every school day.________________________________


How to Deal with the Exam Stress

We students are very busy with schoolwork and in the face of many exams every school day. Everyone may have the exam stress. A little stress can be good for us. If we have proper stress, we can think actively and work harder. So we can pass the exam easily.

However, if we have too much stress, we can’t sleep well at night and we may feel tired or sleepy in class. We may be afraid of exams too much and fail in the end.

In my opinion, we’d better plan and prepare everything well to deal with stress. We should also have some good habits. For example, we can exercise more and eat healthy food, especially fresh vegetables and milk. Also we must have enough sleep and listen to soft music. Then we’ll feel relaxed and do well in exams.


1.题干解读:该题目属于材料作文,根据题干提示,以“How to Deal with the Exam Stress”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下该如何缓解考试压力。








Dear Tom,

I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China. You said you wanted to learn about the customs in China. Now, let me tell you something about them.China is a country with a long history,_________________________________________________

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. And you’ll have a great time in China.


Dear Tom,

I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China. You said you wanted to learn about the customs in China. Now, let me tell you something about them.

China is a country with a long history and there are many customs in China. Now let me introduce some to you.

When you meet friends, you should greet each other and just say “hello”, instead of shaking hands frequently. When you eat at a friend’s home, you should use your right hand to hold chopsticks. It is best not to make noise when eating. It’s polite to eat all the food in your bowl. Don’t knock bowls or plates with chopsticks. This is impolite. After dinner, the host usually makes tea for the guests. When you leave, you should say goodbye to the host politely. If your friends invite you to the party, you’d better arrive a little earlier, 5 to 10 minutes in advance. You can bring a small gift to your friends. But your friends won’t open presents immediately. This is different from other foreign countries.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you obey these, I think you’ll have a great time in China.


1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,介绍中国的一些风俗习惯,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。

2. 写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开头和结尾融合起来,本文应该用第二人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般现在时,提出建议可以多用情态动词;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。



1. 家长花大多时间玩手机以至于不关注孩子;

2. 家长应该为孩子树立榜样,少玩手机;

3. 家长可以有更多空闲时间陪伴孩子:

4. 良好的沟通可以加强亲子关系,有利于孩子的成长;

5. 补充一两点有关信息或想法。


1. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;

2. 词数:60-80;

3. 内容连贯,不要逐条翻译;

4. 开头已给出,不计人总词数。

参考词汇:accompany v陪伴strengthen v. 加强do good to有益于

Today, many parents spend a lot of time playing games and seeing movies on their smartphones. ________


Today, many parents spend a lot of time playing games and seeing movies on their smartphones. They pay less or even no attention to their kids. I think parents should set good examples for their children, so they should shut their phones off or spend less time on them. If so, parents will have more spare time to accompany their children and do lots of things with their children, like playing games, watching movies or playing sports, which can provide good chances to communicate with their children. Good communication can not only help strengthen parent-child relationship but also help children’s development.

All in all, parents should use the smartphones in a good way and care more about their children’s life.


1. 题干解读:题目要求写一篇关于父母沉迷于手机而不关注孩子的英文短文,要求包含给出的要点并补充一两点有关信息或想法。



近年来,我国全面展开蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战。为了号召同学们参与环保行动,学校将组织一次主题为“Let’s Go Green”的英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇80词以上的演讲稿。


1. 谈谈你为环保做过什么及感受;

2. 制定你的环保计划。


1. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 短文中不得出现与考生本人相关的校名和姓名等真实信息。

As we all know, China makes every effort to protect the environment._____________________________________________________________________________


As we all know, China makes every effort to protect the environment.As middle school students, we should take the responsibilities. We can reuse, reduce and recycle.

During the winter vacation, I collected used things like paper and bottles. I turned them into a hand-made rocket. I gave it to my brother as a gift. He felt amazed at my work. I was proud, too. The waste was brought back to life with just a little creativity.

Inspired by this experience, I plan to do more in the future. First of all, I’ll continue to reuse things instead of throwing them away. Secondly, I will reduce the use of energy. I can ride a bike to school instead of taking a bus, and turn off the light when not using it. Lastly, I’ll sort the rubbish and send the recyclable materials to recycling center.

If everyone takes part in protecting the environment, the earth will be a better place for all of us to live on. Take action now!


1.题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作,但要写成演讲稿形式。注意包含要点提示,以“Let’s Go Green”为题,可适当发挥。



人的一生要面临各种各样的选择,选择的方向正确,努力才有意义。所以,我们在面临选择时,要客观理性地分析。请以“A choice that I made”为题,并根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。








A choice I made

There is no doubt that it is important for us to make reasonable choices in life.

Last year. I fell in love with volleyball. Then I chose to be a member of the school volleyball club. However, my parents wanted me to spend more time on schoolwork. I had a long talk with them calmly. After that, I trained hard in the club. Meanwhile, I reviewed my schoolwork as long as I finished training. To my joy, I got satisfying results not only in the matches but also in the tests.

All in all, no matter what the choice is, if it is reasonable, just make it to follow your heart. Only in this way can it bring out the best in you.





良好的运动习惯是生活的重要组成部分。请你根据以下内容要点提示,以“Sports Make Me Strong and Energetic”为题,写一篇短文,可以适当发挥。

1)每天早晨6: 30按时起床,运动半小时,晚饭后运动一小时左右;





Sports Make Me Strong and Energetic

Everybody, men or women, young or old, should have a good habit of doing sports. As teenagers, we should play sports often.______________________________


Sports Make Me Strong and Energetic

Everybody, men or women, young or old, should have a good habit of doing sports. As teenagers, we should play sports often.

In the morning, I usually get up at 6:30 on time, and do morning exercises for half an hour. After breakfast, I ride or walk to school, which is also a kind of exercise. In the school, I take an active part in PE. Sometimes we play football or volleyball, and sometimes we play basketball, table tennis or badminton. Football is my favorite sport. I also take part in some after-class activities. I have never been absent from them. In the evening after supper, I often take a walk along the street near my house for an hour either with my parents or with my friends.

I like sports, which makes me healthy, strong and energetic. So I often get the first prize in the school sports meeting. I will keep the good habit all my life.













Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It is my great honor to make a speech here. I will graduate from my school soon. _____________________________________

That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening!



Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It is my great honor to make a speech here. I will graduate from my school soon. It’s hard to say farewell to all of you.

During the past three years, I realize that we should take study seriously. For myself, I always work hard in class. I listen to teachers carefully and take notes. I finish homework on time. My classmates often help with my schoolwork. With their help, I overcome lots of difficulties and become much better. I want to say thank you to all the people who have helped me.

This summer holiday, I plan to visit my grandparents in another city. And in the future, I’ll keep on studying hard and stick to my dream. I will never give up on my new journey.

That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening!











①take note记笔记

②on time按时

③keep on doing sth继续做某事

④give up放弃


①It’s hard to say farewell to all of you.(动词不定式作主语)

②I want to say thank you to all the people who have helped me.(who引导定语从句)


随着祖国的日益强大,我们越来越深刻感受到作为一名中国人无比骄傲。国人们更是表明此生不悔入华夏,来世还做中国人! 因为大到国家,小到我们身边,都有很多敢于担当,责任感强,让我们钦佩的人。这些人才是我们心中真正的榜样和楷模。请以 I admire_____为题写一篇英语短文向大家介绍一位你最钦佩的人,并简单谈谈你的看法。


1. 这个人是谁?







I admire _______



I admire Zhong Nanshan

There are many admirable people around us, such as our parents, teachers, police and so on. But the person that I admire most is Zhong Nanshan.

In January 2020, a terrible virus made many Chinese people sick or even dead. Zhong Nanshan, an 84-year-old hero, gave up the chance of spending the New Year with his families and rushed to the frontline immediately. He worked day and night and led us to overcome difficulties. He tried his best to save every patient and passed hopes to every Chinese.

I’m deeply moved by Zhong Nanshan’s spirit. I learned from him to be kind, brave and responsible. I will pay my highest respect to him.


1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求根据所给出的材料提示,以 I admire____为题写一篇英语短文向大家介绍一位你最钦佩的人,并简单谈谈你的看法。首先我们要把题目补充完整,然后认真审题,根据提示内容,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作。



青少年安全一直是人们关注的焦点。假如你校英语角将开展以“如何提升青少年自我保护能力”为主题的演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示,以“How to Protect Ourselves”为题写一篇英语演讲稿。







2. 词数100左右 (开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 )。

参考词汇:awareness 意识

How to Protect Ourselves

Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some of my ideas. _____________________________________

Danger is never as far away as we think. Safety must be put first whatever happens.


How to Protect Ourselves

Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some of my ideas.

First of all, it’s important for us to raise our awareness of self-protection. It can be dangerous to go outside alone at night. If we have to stay outdoors, make sure there is an adult around. Besides, we should guard against any possible danger around us and always stay away from places with warning signs. Secondly, don’t let out our personal information on the Internet. Sharing information such as addresses, phone numbers, birth dates and school names is one of the biggest risks online. Last but not least, we’re supposed to keep our cool when facing danger. Remember to call the police for help as soon as possible.

Danger is never as far away as we think. Safety must be put first whatever happens.










①make sure 确保

②guard against 提防

③let out 泄露

④be supposed to do sth 应该做某事


①Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers(“one of the+形容词+最高级”的结构)

②it’s important for us to raise our awareness of self-protection(动词不定式作主语)




1. 短文内容应包括以上要点,可做适量拓展;

2. 书写工整、语句通顺、句意连贯、字数 80词左右。

参考词汇:英雄 hero对……感到骄傲take pride of(be proud of)

On June 5, Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on time. ____________________________________


On June 5, Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on time. I thought the three astronauts were heroes of our country. I was proud of them, because they were not afraid of death for our country. However, my friends and I were watching TV and playing cards. At the same time, I thought of what I did badly before. I was lazier than any other student in our class in the study. I was good at playing video games. I was not friendly to my classmates, I fought with them five times. I was very ashamed for this.

I think I should learn from the astronauts. I will try my best to study hard. I will ask my teachers and the top students for help. I will get on well with my classmates. I will also help my teachers, students and family. I will only spend one hours playing video games on the weekend.





请你以“My Favorite Chinese Festival”为题,写一篇英语作文,畅谈中国传统佳节,弘扬中华传统文化。









My Favorite Chinese Festival

There are some traditional festivals in China. My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country. It is in January or February. Our family get together. We have a big dinner at my grandparents’ home. I always eat a lot of delicious food, such as dumplings and fish. My cousin and I both get red packets from our grandparents. My parents usually go shopping with me. We buy some nice clothes for ourselves. We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books. Sometimes, we greet other people on the phone.

The Spring Festival is the most important for us Chinese because it’s the beginning of a new year. I’m always happy at the Spring Festival.





③提示:要求以“My Favorite Chinese Festival”为题,介绍一个你最喜欢的中国节日,内容中要包含节日里的活动以及你的感受等,注意要点齐全。






①have lots of fun玩得开心

②get together相聚一起

③go shopping购物



①My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival.(because引导的原因状语从句)

②The Spring Festival is the most important for us Chinese because it’s the beginning of a new year.(形容词最高级句型;because引导的原因状语从句)



假如你校国际教育中心正在开展线上国际交流活动,其公众号以“The Cultural Symbol of China”为主题,向全校学生征文。请你选择一项你认为最具有代表性的事物,写一篇英语短文向公众号投稿。


1. 你选择的事物是什么?对此事物进行简单的描述;

2. 你选择此事物的理由;

3. 此事物对你的影响。


1. 词数:80~120词;

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校名称;

3. 文章开头已给出,请勿逐句翻译,可适当发挥。

The Cultural Symbol of China

There are lots of fantastic things representing (代表) our great culture and people.____________________________


The Cultural Symbol of China

There are lots of fantastic things representing (代表) our great culture and people. In my opinion, the cultural symbol of China is the Palace Museum. It was built in Ming Dynasty and is located in the center of Beijing.

As for the reasons, first of all, in the Palace Museum, there are a number of valuable exhibits which show the traditional culture and the long history of Beijing to the world. In addition, as one of the most famous tourist attractions in Beijing, it hardly fails to amaze tourists from all over the world. It’s said that a trip to Beijing is never complete enough unless we pay a visit to this beautiful palace.

I feel lucky to live in China and promise to treasure what have been left for us. All above is about my opinion towards the cultural symbol of China.

I hope my idea can be taken. Thanks.











①in one’s opinion依某人来看

②first of all首先

③in addition此外

④fail to do sth未能做某事


①There are lots of fantastic things representing (代表) our great culture and people. (There be句型)

②As for the reasons, first of all, in the Palace Museum, there are a number of valuable exhibits which show the traditional culture and the long history of Beijing to the world. (which引导的定语从句)



1. 要点:①短视频的优点:短小,有趣,很受欢迎……



2. 要求:①可适当增添细节,使文章通顺、流畅;



提示词:short video短视频


Short videos are very popular with our classmates. They are mostly short and interesting. We can watch them anywhere at any time we like. We can also feel relaxed as well as getting some useful information from them. As a result, more and more people are crazy about short videos now.

However, not all short videos are meaningful and do good to people. People sometimes get harmful information. Besides, we’ll waste a lot of time if we watch too many short videos. Meanwhile, it is bad for our eyes if we spend long time watching them.

In my opinion, we’d better learn good things from short videos. At the same time, we shouldn’t spend too much time on them.





年岁渐长,临近毕业,青少年需要在生活中不断提高自我管理能力。请以“Learning to Manage Our Own Lives”为题,用英语写一篇小短文向校刊的School Life 英文专栏投稿。











Learning to Manage Our Own Lives

It’s reported that we Chinese teenagers often depend on our parents in our daily lives these days.___________________

In a word, if we learn to manage our lives from now on, we will have a better future.


Learning to Manage Our Own Lives

It’s reported that we Chinese teenagers often depend on our parents in our daily lives these days. We can’t deal with difficulties by ourselves. So it’s important for us to learn to manage our own lives.

For me, I seldom did housework in the past, because I thought it is our parents’ work. This is a wrong opinion. We should learn to do housework like sweeping the floor and taking out the rubbish. I hardly cooked either. When my mother was on business, I realized I must learn to cook by myself. After that, I find that cooking is not as difficult as it seems.

So no matter what I do in the future, I will make a plan and complete it in strict accordance with the plan. At the same time, I take the initiative to help others do something. Let’s improve our self-management ability in life together!

In a word, if we learn to manage our lives from now on, we will have a better future.











①deal with处理

②at the same time同时

③take the initiative采取主动

④help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事


①So it’s important for us to learn to manage our own lives.(It’s+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.)

②So no matter what I do in the future, I will make a plan and complete it in strict accordance with the plan.(no matter what引导让步状语从句)


假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Chris经常参与志愿服务,他给你发来邮件,询问你参加志愿服务的情况。请你用英语回复一封邮件,介绍你参加过的一次志愿者活动,并谈谈你的感受。


children, bring, sing, join, wonderful


1. What volunteer work did you do?

2. How did you feel?

Dear Chris,

I’m glad to tell you about the volunteer work I did. __________________________________


Li Hua


Dear Chris,

I’m glad to tell you about the volunteer work I did. Last summer, I got an opportunity to volunteer at a Children’s Home in the community. My main duty was to take care of children aged five to seven years old. They were very friendly. They showed me big smiles when they saw a bag of gifts I brought for them. I did lots of things with them. I read stories, sang songs, and taught them something I was good at. It was a wonderful day. I was happy to be able to do something for little kids.


Li Hua











① take care of照顾

② was good at擅长

③ was happy to高兴做某事

④ be able to能、会

⑤ opportunity机会


① They showed me big smiles when they saw a bag of gifts I brought for them.(时间状语从句)

② I read stories, sang songs, and taught them something I was good at.(限制性定语从句)

③ My main duty was to take care of children aged five to seven years old.(动词不定式作表语)


人生即是选择,你在生活中一定做过无数次选择,或许是明智的,亦或许是错误的;或许是难忘的,亦或是遗憾的……请你以“My ________ choice”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,谈谈做了什么选择,为何这么选择以及带来了什么反思及影响。


My best choice

Everyone has to make different choices in the life. Five years ago, I also made my choice. When I played with my little brother, I broke my mother’s favourite vase. I knew she would be angry. I wanted to lie at first. But soon I changed my idea. I told my mother the truth. To my surprise, my mother praised me instead. Honesty is valuable. If it is our mistake, we should accept it and then we can correct it. Thus, we can make progress in our life.



① 题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为话题作文;

② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;

③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,以第一人称为主。






①make choices做选择

②at first一开始

③to one’s surprise令某人惊讶的


①When I played with my little brother, I broke my mother’s favourite vase. (when引导的时间状语从句)

②If it is our mistake, we should accept it and then we can correct it.(if引导的条件状语从句)



1. 认真审题。审好题是写好书面表达的关键。审题时要注意试题的要求,抓住要点,词数符合要求。

2. 构思提纲。有了提纲,我们就可以根据提纲和主题确定相关的写作材料。通常书面表达给出的话题是开放的,而具体的内容要求学生自己发挥,因此选择恰当的素材也是使短文中心突出、明确的关键。

3. 初写短文。一切都准备就绪,就可以动笔写作了,在写作的过程中我们要注意句子的准确性、连贯性以及简洁性。考生不能遗漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、短语和高分句式,语言要规范,信息表达清晰、完整,意思连贯。

4. 修改润色。修改润色是获取高分的必要步骤。这一步要检查单词拼写、语法、动词时态、语序、主谓一致等,有无重复、啰嗦的语言,注意书写的规范:大小写、标点符号等的正确运用。格式是否正确,词数是否符合要求等。