
时间:2024-02-07 02:58:29 作者:皮皮侠 字数:38089字




  Curriculum Vitae: (cover page for CSTS)

  I. Candidate's Personal Information

  Candidate Name:

  Applied Position:

  Total working experience(yrs):

  Related working experience(yrs):

  II. Interview Comments

  A. Technical Knowledge

  b. Personality (e.g. attitude, initiative)

  C. English (e.g.oral, writing)

  III. Availablility

  A. Working Now (Yes/No):

  b. Notification Period (days):

  C. Current Location (by city):

  d. Has salary been agreed with candidate by vendor? (Yes/No):

  e. Tier proposed by vendor:



个人基本简历 姓名:应届毕业生求职网国籍:中国无照片

目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:江西身材:157 cm?44 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:23 岁 培训认证:?诚信徽章:? 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职? 应聘职位:行政/人事类:行政助理 理科类 数学老师 财务类 结算员 工作年限:1职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职-随时 月薪要求:1500--2000希望工作地区:广州 个人工作经历:2004.3-2004.6辅导某高一学生数学,在一段时间的辅导、合作中,该学生的数学成绩有明显提高,深受该生家长的好评

  2005.7-2005.8 暑假期间,为一家广告公司做宣传员,工作结束后,各领导给予我极高的评价并给予奖励


  在教期间,深受学生欢迎,学生成绩都有不同层次的提高。 ? 教育背景 毕业院校:周口师范学院 最高学历:本科毕业-2007-06-01 所学专业一:数学与应用数学所学专业二:? 受教育培训经历:2000.9—.6 ? ?江西省奉新一中

  2003.9—2007.6 ? ?河南周口师范学院 (数学与应用数学)

  2007.3-2007.5 ? ? 实习(河南周口二中)




  获得国家普通话二级甲等。 ? 语言能力 外语:英语 良好?? 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:一般 ? 工作能力及其他专长 ?工作能力:

  做事认真,有耐力,做一件事情时死心踏地,不喜欢中途有半点退缩和松懈。那样的话自己会感到不充实和不安。有一定的沟通和承受能力 ,有团队精神。本人喜欢运动尤其酷爱篮球,我能感受到和队友传球仍后进球的喜悦和成就感。凡事都有解决的方法,重要的是保持冷静的头脑所以在平时的处事态度方面我都不会急噪。

  专长:运动,生命在于运动,我最喜欢长跑那不只是耐力的锻炼,更是对自己的挑战。 ? 详细个人自传 ?一个别人看起来很随意没太多想法的人,其实内心世界有很多的想法,有时候我很希望是加勒比海盗里的海盗别人觉得很普通。其实是一匹可以经得起磨练的千里马。我要自己去努力从别人那里从书本中自己的经验里,来完善自己。我相信自己的努力,我的名言是:Attitude is everything .生活中有着很多的挑战与竞争我知道什么叫生活,我很喜欢有竞争的生活,虽然竞争很残酷可是咬着牙最后得到的一定是彩虹。而且最终得到的是勇敢全新的'自己。我知道做人需要自信但是自信来自实力,所以我在学校的每一天都在充实自己保持主动学习的精神。我可以问心无愧的说自己很棒了,因为自己用心了尽力了。我可以很自信的说以后的自己会过得更好因为我的生活态度和一颗执着不服输的心,我相信在以后的工作中会表现的很好,因为毕业后的我的第一个目标就是好好工作实现自我的价值。 English Resume:? ? ? ?RESUME


  Personal Information:

  english name:heather ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Gender:Female

  Place of Birth:Jiang xi ? ? ? ? ? ?Date of Birth:Sep 25 ,1987

  Major:Business English ? ? ? ? ? Education:college




  Main course:

  business English、Extensive、Intensive、Writing、Interpreting、Oral English、listening、Marketing、International trade and so on .

  Skill Summary:

  5 ----A good command of oral and written English

  6 ----Good PC skill and very familiar with Word、Excel

  Qualification and Awards:

  7 -----Passed ?CET 4 and PETS 4

  8 ------2007The Third-class scholarship

  9 -----2007-2008 The Third-class scholarship

  Work Experience:

  10 ------07/2005-09/2006Salesman at an department store

  11 ------07/2006-09/2007 worked in CHINA MOBILE as a staff


  Honest、amiable、co-operative、responsible and dedicated.

  Career Objective:

  Assistant of manager、interpreter、secretary and other Jobs related to English.

? 个人联系方式


  Name: xxx nationality: China

  Current location: Foshan National: Han

  exit and Entry: Shanwei tall: 170 cm ? kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

  Training Certification: integrity badge:

  Job search intention and work experience

  Talent type: ? graduates

  Position: Computer Class: Computer programmers computer maintenance multimedia / game development engineers

  Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

  Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

  Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan

  Personal experience: music from Foshan 2007.10.16-2007.11.23 Dadun student teachers in secondary schools

  2007.9.12-2007.10.13 information on road海麦斯Limited programmer internship

  educational background

  Graduate institutions: Foshan Institute of Science and Technology

  Highest level of education: graduate - 2008-06-01

  The Science I: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Teachers) by two studies:

  by education and training experience: 2004.9-2008.6, Foshan Science and Technology Institute of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Normal) undergraduate degree

  Certificate / Award:

  Mandarin II B, 4 English, 2 National Computer;

  2007 Third National Mathematical Modeling Province;

  In 2004, the school prize in 2005;

  From 2004 to 2007 has been awarded many outstanding colleges;

  2004, 2005 by the Institute of the “Ten singers.”

  Language ability

  Foreign Languages: English well

  Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

  The ability to work and other expertise

  Computer skills:

  Will use C #, VB, SQL, such as language tools, familiar with computer networks, for a variety of computer hardware installation and use of a variety of commonly used software, operating system maintenance operation has a wealth of practical experience.

  detailed personal autobiography


  I am cheerful personality, stable and vigorous, others warm and sincere. Have good language ability, personal interest in a broad, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, hard, have the courage to meet new challenges. And to identify the computer industry for their own future development.

  Personal Contact



个人基本简历 简历编号:52515902更新日期:-03-18 21:32:07

姓 名:黄xx先生国 籍:中国 目前住地:广州民 族:汉族 户 籍 地:肇庆身高体重:169 cm?59 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年 龄:28 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职? 应聘职位:采购专员:业务采购员,业务等 、 调度/生产计划协调员:计划员或物控员,跟单员 、 物料管理/物控:物料或生产管理人员 工作年限:5职 称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职日期:两个星期 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:广东省 广州 广东省 工作经历:7月至2月 ? ? ?澳科思通讯科技(中国)有限公司 ? ? ?供应链网络部 ? ?生产计划专员

  2月206月 ? ? ? ? 广州精工技术有限公司 ? ? ? ? PMC计划部 ? ? ?生产跟单/生产控制班长

  2月至201月 ?广州华泰铝轮毂有限公司 ? ? ? 营运中心计划调度部 ? 计划调度专员

  8月至202月 ?四会金宝利橡胶鞋厂有限公司 ? 生产计划与控制科 ?高级生产计划员

  6月至208月 ?四会金宝利橡胶鞋厂有限公司 ? 业务处采购科

  高级采购员 教育背景 毕业院校:肇庆学院 最高学历:大专毕业日期:-06-01 所学专业:应用生物技术第二专业:行政管理学? 培训经历:1986年9月至1992年7月 ? ? ?四会市城北小学 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?小学毕业

  1992年9月至1995年7月 ? ? ?四会市会城中学 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?初中毕业

  1995年9月至7月 ? ? ?四会市华侨中学 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?高中毕业

  199月至206月 ? ? ?肇庆市肇庆学院 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?大专毕业 语言能力 外 语:英语 良好?? 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长 ?在校学习期间,我除了出色地完成本专业任务外, 还专修了电脑方面的各种应用软件。现能熟练地掌握各类办公软件如Word、Excel、Outlook和C程序设计。


  年7月至今,任职于全球著名的澳大利亚微波通信发射天线制造企业---澳科思通信科技(中国)有限公司(Argus Technologies Ltd)供应链网络部生产计划专员一职.在这个企业里,培养了我更加严谨细致的生产数据分析能力,全面综合考虑问题的角度,发散性的思维和与各个部门及人员的良好沟协调能力.

  在澳科思工作的这段时间里,本人能够了解各种微波天线的结构组成,生产工艺流程,能熟练地结合利用ERP--“STD(Still To Do)”系统和金蝶ERP--K3系统编制和下达公司的生产计划任务,并通过对这两套ERP系统的数据分析,按需调整和跟进现场生产进度,监控并预警生产异常情况的发生.















  懂得ERP--STD(Still To Do)系统和金蝶ERP--K3系统的操作和应用,并能通过它们解决一系列的生产计划问题.


  对ISO9001质量管理体系及ISO14001环境管理体系知识有一定的了解. 详细个人自传 ?我是一位形象好,气质佳的广东省肇庆学院2001届应用生物技术专业的大专毕业生,出生于山清水秀,人杰地灵的广东省四会市,本人已经踏入社会工作四年多了。在学校大专三年学习和在社会五年多的工作经历中使我学会了许多在本专业中所没学到的为人处世和人际交往知识,遇到突发事件能因地制宜地灵活处理。但我觉得这还远远不够的,因为我深深地懂得:机会是别人给的,却要靠自己去把握,我还有很多的东西要去努力学习。

  我是一位力求上进、吃苦耐劳勤奋工作的男孩,无论在哪都会把公司的事当做自己的事去努力尽心地完成。我希望能在贵公司提供的新工作岗位中更能充分发挥我的创造性、积极性,用我所学,为您所用。世界上金无足尺、人无完人,但我相信没有最好,只有更好,在您的信任和培养下我坚信我会做得更好! English Resume:In university period, I besides splendidly cost specialized duty, but also specially repaired computer aspect each kind of application software. Presently can skilled grasp each kind of work software like Word, Excel, Outlook, FP, Linux and the C programming, but also can skilled utilize Internet, the manufacture simple homepage and so on.

  Has the certain experience in the large-scale foreign capital enterprise factory material purchase management and the productive plan and the control aspect:

  Production material service purchase aspect: Personally can coordinate the production line arrives the progress supply and demand relations to the material demand and the material, grasps the daily production progress follows up to work guarantees the production continues, necessary and is smooth. Through the purchase work, caused personally in obtains the exercise and the enhancement with the material supplier's coordination communication and the unusual event negotiations ability aspect. Moreover, personally can through each way understand the market price quotation, in the purchase quality, time of delivery and aspect and so on production cost control has the certain experience.

  Productive plan and material control aspect: Personally mainly was responsible for company's customer order form assignment





Name: yjbys Nationality: China (Mainland) ? Current Place: Huangpu Height/Weight: 170 cm?56 kg Marital Status: married Age: 33 years ? ? ? ? Career Objective and Work experience Application type: 01 Preferred job title: Electronics Engineer/Technician: Electronics Engineer 、 Automation Control Engineer/Technician: 、 Electronic Circuit Engineer/Technician(Simulation/Digital): Working life: 6 Title: No title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a week Expected salary: ? Preferred working place: Guangzhou Guangdong province No preference Work Experience : Company#39;s name:Begin and end date: -07--05 Enterprise nature: Industry: Job Title: ? Job description: ? Reasons for leaving: ? Educational Background Name of School: Nanchang University Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: -07-01 Name of Major 1: Applied Electronic Technology Name of Major 2: Electronic circuit design Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No -07 2004-07 Nanchang University Application of electronic technology Diploma GD20042162 Language Ability Foreign Language: Others Level: poor Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: normal Relevant skills and abilities ? MCU Design C51 KEIL51

  board Design Electronic Circuit Design

  PCB Design

  Protel99se Address: Town, Tianhe District (Zip: 510000) Work Tel: ? Home Tel: ? Mobile Phone: ? msn/QQ: ? Email: /jianli Web/Blog: /jianli


  basic CV

  Name: xxx nationality: China No picture

  Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

  exit and Entry: Huadu tall: 165 cm ? 60 kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

  Training Certification: integrity badge:

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job ?

  Position: business / management categories: category marketing other types of Logistics

  Work Experience: 2 Title: No Title

  Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - two weeks

  Monthly requirements: - 3500 the hope that the Working Area: Zhuhai, Guangzhou Huadu

  Personal experience: .9-2004.12 Jinan University Medicine Campus Card Services

  Wai Hoi IT intern .7-2006.10

  Logistics Co., Ltd. Guangdong 2006.11-.3 Debon sales / customer service

  educational background

  Graduate institutions: Jinan University

  Highest level of education: graduate - 2006-07-01

  The Science I: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the Science II:

  by education and training experience: .9-2006.7 Jinan University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

  Language ability

  Foreign Languages: English well

  Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: proficient

  The ability to work and other expertise

  Humility to learn, have a stronger ability to learn; things calm, careful, adaptable, and the spirit of perseverance to get things done; being sincere, and good humor, positive spirit, a strong sense of responsibility; resilient personality, able to bear hardships and stand hard and can work independently and have highlighted the pioneering spirit of the study; have a good organization and coordination ability, good interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit.

  detailed personal autobiography

  Personal Contact


  Name: xxx nationality: China

  Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

  exit and Entry: Hainan is: 172 cm ? kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 29-year-old

  Training Certification: integrity badge:

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job ?

  Position: sales / marketing category: Sales

  Work Experience: 5 Title: No Title

  Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

  Monthly requirements: - 3500 the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

  Personal experience: .9-.7 Amoi Electronics Co., Ltd. Chengdu Branch Area Manager

  2004.7-.9 Guangzhou Rui Yang Digital Technology Co., Ltd Sales Manager

  Chong-Cheng Electronics Co., Ltd. 2005.9-.12 Security Division Project Manager

  Regional Manager Marketing

  educational background

  Graduate institution: Sun Yat-sen University

  Highest level of education: college graduates - 2002-07-01

  Studies by one: the Science of Applied Mathematics II:

  by education and training experience: .7-2002.7 Sun Yat-sen University in Applied Mathematics / Number of total tertiary colleges

  Language ability

  Foreign Languages: English well

  Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

  The ability to work and other expertise

  Strong expansion of the capacity of the target market. Better to sell the company to complete the task. Familiar with the distribution channels to maintain the dealer, customer relationship. Experience with security projects. Able to complete the program design, project construction, such as the experience of acceptance. Completion of the project to tender, as an independent experience.

  detailed personal autobiography

  Personal Contact



个人基本简历 姓名:xxx国籍:中国

  个人照片 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:惠州身材:168 cm?50 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:24 岁 培训认证:?诚信徽章:? 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职? 应聘职位:市场销售/营销类:业务 财务类 统计 物流类 业务 工作年限:4职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职-随时 月薪要求:1500--希望工作地区:广州 广州 个人工作经历:? ?/1-2003/6 ?广州三凌电机有限公司 实业生

  2003/7-2005/6 ?惠州华星电子有限公司 业务员

  2005/6-2007/11 广州庆旺贸易有限公司 统计员 ? 教育背景 毕业院校:广州港技工学校 最高学历:中专毕业-2003-07-01 所学专业一:计算机应用与办公自动化所学专业二:? 受教育培训经历:-2000 ? 广东龙门平陵三中 ? 学生

  2000-2003 ? 广州某技校 ? 计算机应用与办公自动化 ? 计算机应用中级证、办公设备维修中级证 ? 语言能力 外语:英语 一般?? 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:优秀 ? 工作能力及其他专长 ?? ?本人对工作负责、仔细认真,学习能力强,具有较强的人际交流能力及团队合作精神,不愄困难,勇于挑战自我。 ? 详细个人自传 ?寻找与之奋斗之事业


  成功来自于您的选择与我的努力!!! ? 个人联系方式


  Name: xxx nationality: China No picture

  Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

  exit and Entry: Huadu tall: 165 cm ? 60 kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

  Training Certification: integrity badge:

  Job search intention and work experience

  Personnel types: ordinary job ?

  Position: business / management categories: category marketing other types of Logistics

  Work Experience: 2 Title: No Title

  Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - two weeks

  Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 the hope that the Working Area: Zhuhai, Guangzhou Huadu

  Personal experience: 2004.9-2004.12 Jinan University Medicine Campus Card Services

  Wai Hoi IT intern 2006.7-2006.10

  Logistics Co., Ltd. Guangdong 2006.11-2008.3 Debon sales / customer service

  educational background

  Graduate institutions: Jinan University

  Highest level of education: graduate - 2006-07-01

  The Science I: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the Science II:

  by education and training experience: 2002.9-2006.7 Jinan University Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

  Language ability

  Foreign Languages: English well

  Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: proficient

  The ability to work and other expertise

  Humility to learn, have a stronger ability to learn; things calm, careful, adaptable, and the spirit of perseverance to get things done; being sincere, and good humor, positive spirit, a strong sense of responsibility; resilient personality, able to bear hardships and stand hard and can work independently and have highlighted the pioneering spirit of the study; have a good organization and coordination ability, good interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit.

  detailed personal autobiography

  Personal Contact



个人基本简历 姓名:应届毕业生求职网国籍:中国无照片

目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:海南身材:172 cm? kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:29 岁 培训认证:?诚信徽章:? 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职? 应聘职位:市场销售/营销类:销售 工作年限:5职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职-随时 月薪要求:--3500希望工作地区:广州 个人工作经历:.9-.7 ? 夏新电子股份有限公司 ? 成都分公司 ? 片区经理

  2004.7-.9 ? 广州睿洋数码科技有限公司 ? 销售经理

  2005.9-.12 ? 诚创电子股份有限公司 ? 安防事业部 ? 项目经理

  市场部 ? ? ? 区域经理 ? 教育背景 毕业院校:中山大学 最高学历:大专毕业-2002-07-01 所学专业一:应用数学所学专业二:? 受教育培训经历:.7-2002.7 ? 中山大学 ? 应用数学/数计学院 ? 大专 ? 语言能力 外语:英语 良好?? 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:优秀 ? 工作能力及其他专长 ?? ?较强的目标市场拓展能力。较好完成公司交予销售任务。熟悉分销渠道,维系经销商、客户关系。有着安防工程项目经验。能独立完成方案设计、项目施工、验收等经验。能独立完成项目投标等经验。 ? 详细个人自传 ?? ? 个人联系方式



  简练并突出是一份简历最基本 的要求,而含糊、冗长、花哨则是简历的`大忌。简单来说,个人基本情况、教育背景、获奖成果等,是一份求职简历的基本构成要素。

  好的简历,目的性要强,用人单位需要什么,你就提供什么;对于你的职务要求,表述要简洁平实有力,语言要清晰,逻辑性要强。这些是基本的要求。你还应该是个有心人,针对招聘单位的特点和要求,‘量体裁衣’特制一份简历,表明你对用人单位的重视和热爱。很多人的求职信就像公文,千篇 一律,送给哪家单位只需换个称呼就行,让人感觉他对应聘的公司一无所知,诚心不够,自然很容易被拒之门外。


Name:yjbys Hukou:Shenzhen Residency:? Work Experience: Current Salary:XX/Year Tel: E-mail:/jianli Career Objective Desired Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC? Desired Position: IC Design/Application Engineer Desired address: Shanghai ,Beijing ,Shenzhen Desired Salary: ¥10,000-14,999/Month Work Experience /02—Present ***Company ? Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC

  R&D IC Design/Application Engineer


  Analog circuits design include CMOS Operational Amplifiers design, Switched Capacitor circuits, clock detecting, clock design, bandgap, PLL, power on reset etc Attend system design use matlab and verify the data from hspice using matlab digital synthesis using Synopsys_DC, timing analysis, Formality, create circuit framework, P&R using Apollo Interaction with layout designer for analog circuit’s layout. /02—2003/02 STATE Microelectronics Co. LTD ? Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC

  R&D IC Design/Application Engineer


  Create model of unit, circuit analysis and simulation, writing test coding, chip testing Study IC design tools: hspice star_sim verilog_XL NCverilog Synopsys Design Compiler/Analyzer etc Study Computer architecture. /07—2001/02 LianShun(DaLian) Microelectronics Co. Limited ? Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC

  R&D IC Design/Application Engineer


  Practice in IC foundry for 2 months; Study drawing layout、circuit simulation 、writing program use verilog Participate in designing the chip for music. Education and Training /09—2000/07 Hunan University???Microelectronics ???Bachelor ? Circuit; Analog/digital/high frequency electronics technique; HW and interface of computer; Programming of ASM; C programming; IC theory; IC application; Microelectronic devices; Transistor theory ; Semiconductor Physics , Professional physical ,theory and application of sensor, Theory of TV etc Professional Skills Language Skills: English GOOD Self-appraisal Aspire to employ new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies Energetic and self-motivated team player Excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills Thrive in both independent and collaborative work environments.


  basic CV

  Name: xxx nationality: China

  Current location: Foshan National: Han

  exit and Entry: Shanwei tall: 170 cm ? kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

  Training Certification: integrity badge:

  Job search intention and work experience

  Talent type: ? graduates

  Position: Computer Class: Computer programmers computer maintenance multimedia / game development engineers

  Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

  Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

  Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan

  Personal experience: music from Foshan .10.16-2007.11.23 Dadun student teachers in secondary schools

  2007.9.12-2007.10.13 information on road海麦斯Limited programmer internship

  educational background

  Graduate institutions: Foshan Institute of Science and Technology

  Highest level of education: graduate - -06-01

  The Science I: Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Teachers) by two studies:

  by education and training experience: .9-2008.6, Foshan Science and Technology Institute of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Normal) undergraduate degree

  Certificate / Award:

  Mandarin II B, 4 English, 2 National Computer;

  2007 Third National Mathematical Modeling Province;

  In 2004, the school prize in ;

  From 2004 to 2007 has been awarded many outstanding colleges;

  2004, 2005 by the Institute of the “Ten singers.”

  Language ability

  Foreign Languages: English well

  Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

  The ability to work and other expertise

  Computer skills:

  Will use C #, VB, SQL, such as language tools, familiar with computer networks, for a variety of computer hardware installation and use of a variety of commonly used software, operating system maintenance operation has a wealth of practical experience.

  detailed personal autobiography


  I am cheerful personality, stable and vigorous, others warm and sincere. Have good language ability, personal interest in a broad, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, hard, have the courage to meet new challenges. And to identify the computer industry for their own future development.

  Personal Contact


?基本信息?应用英文简历表格个人相片 姓 名:?性 别:女 ? ? 民 族:汉族出生年月:1986年7月7日 证件号码:?婚姻状况:未婚 身 高:163cm体 重:49kg 户 籍:广东湛江现所在地:广东湛江 毕业学校:广东工业大学学 历:专科 专业名称:应用英文毕业年份: 工作年限:一年以内职 称:? ? 求职意向? 职位性质:全 职 职位类别:贸易-外贸/贸易专员/助理



职位名称:跟单业务 ; 工作地区:湛江市 ; 待遇要求:可面议 ; 不需要提供住房 到职时间:可随时到岗 ? 技能专长? 语言能力:英语 日常对话 ; 普通话 标准 计算机能力:证书 中级 ; ? 教育培训? 教育经历: 时间所在学校学历 3月 - 207月广东工业大学专科 培训经历: 时间培训机构证书 ? 工作经历? ? 所在公司:广州市金永享铜管有限公司 时间范围:207月 - 8月 公司性质:国有企业 所属行业:汽车、摩托车 担任职位:会计助理 工作描述:协助会计主管完成日常事务,主要职务:原始凭证的审核、报销单核算、进销存操作、资料归档;与往来单位对账及吹收账、工资的核算、跑税务局买发票及找专管员、交报表、定期盘点等事宜 离职原因:寻求发展 ? 所在公司:夏乐发国际有限公司 时间范围:年4月 - 8月 公司性质:其他 所属行业:纺织品业(服饰、鞋类、家纺用品、皮具) 担任职位:外贸人员 工作描述:主要职务:接待客户,处理供应商来电,快递收发及传真和发邮件,订机票,交杂费,买办公用品,临时交办的其他工作;协助老板与物流公司及供应商交涉,跟进定单到发货及收出货,回报及处理发货至出货期间发生的事项.制作发票、装箱单,确认提单、原产地证等,以及协助处理一些突发事件。 (公司主营女装出口) 离职原因:公司搬迁 ? 其他信息? 自我介绍:本人个性乐观有激情,有很好的亲和力,可塑性强;




发展方向:? 其他要求:希望有培训机会 ? 联系方式?