
时间:2024-09-14 05:00:05 作者:皮皮侠 字数:3527字


推荐信英语作文 篇一

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for agreeing to write on behalf of this candidate who is applying for admissions to the MSc in Applied Finance Programme at Singapore Management University. The Admissions Committee highly values your assessment of the applicant’s previous work history and potential for leadership in the future. The most helpful evaluations include specific examples of the past performance, and detailed descriptions of the applicant’s intellectual abilities and personal qualities. Evaluations that present a balanced view of the applicant will assist the Committee in distinguishing the very best candidatesfroma pool of highly qualified applicants.

Please complete the information requested on both pages of this form. Your comments will be held completely confidential. You may email the form to us at XX or mail it to the following address:XX

Alternatively, you may seal the envelope and write your signature across the seal on the envelope flap. The applicant will submit the sealed, signed envelope to us as part of completed application package.

Evaluations are an integral part of the selection process, and we sincerely thank you for your efforts on behalf of this applicant.

your sincerely,


推荐信英语作文 篇二

Dear President,

It is a great honor tor me to introduce to you one of my excellent students,Miss Li Jing,a z1-year-old graduate of our institute this year.Miss Li entered our institute in2005and she has been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress.During the four years of study,she has always ranked high in her class.In2006,she came out first at the National College Students English Speechfroma family of English teachers,Miss Li has a particular interest in the teaching of English.It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics as well as the English language.It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance to study in your institute.

With best regards.

Yours sincerely,

He Jin

单位推荐信 篇三



xxx曾在大四的时候来我公司报告实习。他利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没满足更没骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司招收他为正式员工 (通常我公司不予考虑应届毕业生)。



