
时间:2024-05-08 22:00:37 作者:皮皮侠 字数:18747字





  英语辩论赛主持词 Beginning: 开场

  Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.早上好,女士们,先生们

  This cla will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and Im your name is ,Today,well be witneing a brilliant debate 这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人 ,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛,

  I think you all have known the topic today 众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:

  So first,its my honor to present todays chief judge:mi wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官 吴小姐 now , there are two sides ,the affirmative side and the negative side,the affirmative sides opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative sides opinion is we shouldnt make friend on the time for debaterelf introduction..affirmative first..its you turn negative side first,please allow me to introduce the rules of debate. The competition is divided into five rounds, before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debatersneed to listen carefully.本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真听哟! The first part is presentation time, first its the introduction of the first affirmative debater, within 5 minuteame to the negative The 2 part is free debating, first, affirmative presentation and questioning, then is the negative both of sides fifty minutes The 3 part is question time for the audience, there are six quotas, the debater answer each question shouldnt over 2mins The 4 part is conclusion time, first, affirmative conclude, and then is negative The last part is the comment and judge time for the judges

  Whose argument is more persuasive, well soon find now declare open the its your show time ,Well begin with the first round, Well start with the affirmative,lets begin the first part, lets welcome affirmativeThank for your opening listen to how the negative make their you please. Thank that weve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides, well move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal., lets follow me to the excited free debating , free debating part totally 50ty minutes , each of you have 25 attention to the time ,come on affirmative first,Time is you, now hear the negatives arguments and rebuttal. Both sides have shown great debating ability in todays fierce competition. Now,its the question time for the audience,there are six quotas,you cant mi it This round is quite exciting, but our debaters cannot conclusion round is also ,is conclusion time now,affirmative first,Thank us now hear the negatives conclusion Now,Id like to invite our cute mi sb to give comment and judge for this debating ,mi sb please Im sure were all deeply impreed by the intelligent for your hard work and lets give ourselves a big round of applause.我敢肯定的是机智的辩手们给我们留下了深刻的印象,谢谢你们出色的表现,大家来给他们热烈的掌声。



  英语辩论赛主持词 Binnin: 开场

  Good mornin,ldis nd nlmn.早上好,女士们,先生们 This cl will b your s o show your sron biliy in dbin nd Im your nm is ,Tody,wll b winin brillin db 这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人&mdsh;&mdsh; ,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛, I hink you ll hv known h opic ody& &众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:

  So firs,is my honor o prsn odys chif jud:mi wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官 吴小姐 now , hr r wo sids ,h ffirmiv sid nd h niv sid,h ffirmiv sids opinion is w should mk frind on lin, h niv sids opinion is w shouldn mk frind on h im for dbrlf inroducion..ffirmiv firs..is you urn niv sid&hllip; firs,pls llow m o inroduc h ruls of db. Th compiion is dividd ino fiv rounds, bfor ch round bins,I will brifly inroduc h compiion our dbrsnd o lisn crfully.本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真听哟! Th firs pr is prsnion im, firs is h inroducion of h firs ffirmiv dbr, wihin 5 minus&hllip;&hllip;sm o h niv Th 2 pr is fr dbin, firs, ffirmiv prsnion nd qusionin, hn is h niv boh of sids fify minus Th 3 pr is qusion im for h udinc, hr r si quos, h dbr nswr ch qusion shouldn ovr 2mins Th 4 pr is conclusion im, firs, ffirmiv conclud, nd hn is niv Th ls pr is h commn nd jud im for h juds

  Whos rumn is mor prsusiv, wll soon find now dclr opn h is your show im ,Wll bin wih h firs round, Wll sr wih h ffirmiv,ls bin h firs pr, ls wlcom ffirmiv&hllip;Thnk for your opnin lisn o how h niv mk hir you pls. Thnk h wv lisnd o h ciin opnin rumns from boh sids, wll mov ino h n round-fr db nd rbul., ls follow m o h cid fr dbin , fr dbin pr olly 50y minus , ch of you hv 25 nion o h im ,com on ffirmiv firs,Tim is you, now hr h nivs rumns nd rbul. Boh sids hv shown r dbin biliy in odys firc compiion. ow,is h qusion im for h udinc,hr r si quos,you cn mi i This round is qui ciin, bu our dbrs cnno conclusion round is lso ,is conclusion im now,ffirmiv firs,Thnk us now hr h nivs conclusion ow,Id lik o invi our cu mi sb o iv commn nd jud for his dbin ,mi sb pls Im sur wr ll dply imprd by h inllin for your hrd work nd ls iv ourslvs bi round of pplus.我敢肯定的是机智的辩手们给我们留下了深刻的印象,谢谢你们出色的表现,大家来给他们热烈的掌声。 以上这英语辩论赛主持词为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。更多主持词尽在:晚会主持望大家多支持本网站,谢谢。


  I'm honored to be nominated the monitor for today's debating contest.

  The topic for our debate today is ......

  First please let me introduce the contestants of both sides.

  Those on the pros are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX.

  Those on the cons are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX.

  As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.

  Now give us a fair and sportsmanlike debate


  Good evening, ladies and evening, boys and place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I am your Introduction:

  Now I would like to introduce the rules for this group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last to now, I think all of you have known the rules very then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.

  So first, lets welcome group one…


  Their views all sound very nice, right? And I think you all have been

  Well-prepared to defeat the other side.

  All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce 'm sure we're all deeply impreed by the intelligent for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.

  Now it's time for the contestants will win this wonderful debate? And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.



  Good evening, ladies and evening, boys and place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts.

  judge introduction:

  Firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate and gentlemen, let’s welcome ..

  rule introduction:

  Now i would like to introduce the rules for this , contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other , each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last , at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors.

  up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.

  So first, lets welcome group one…


  Their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.

  All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce 'm sure we're all deeply impreed by the intelligent for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause.

  Now it's time for the contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.





  Beginning: 开场

  Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.早上好,女士们,先生们

  This cla will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I’m your name is ,Today,we’ll be witneing a brilliant debate

  这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人—— ,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非


  I think you all have known the topic today” “众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:“ ”

  So first,it’s my honor to present today’s chief judge:mi wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官 吴小姐 now , there are two sides ,the affirmative side and the negative side,the affirmative side’s opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative side’s opinion is we shouldn’t make friend on ’s the time for debaters’self introduction..affirmative first..it’s you turn negative side…

  First,please allow me to introduce the rules of debate.

  The competition is divided into five rounds, before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debatersneed to listen carefully.本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我

  都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真听哟! The first part is presentation time, first it’s the introduction of the first affirmative debater, within 5 minutes……same to the negative The 2 part is free debating, first, affirmative presentation and questioning, then is the negative both of sides fifty minutes

  The 3 part is question time for the audience, there are six quotas, the debater answer each question shouldn’t over 2mins

  The 4 part is conclusion time, first, affirmative conclude, and then is negative

  The last part is the comment and judge time for the judges





——这里是由外国语学院外语协会和Fair Lady’s Club女生协会主办,外国语学院学生会办公室协办的第一届外语文化节英语辩论赛的比赛现场,欢迎各位的到来!

——现在请允许我介绍一下本场比赛的评委,他们分别是: 研究生~~ 研究生~~ 研究生~~ 让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委的到来! ——这是思维的碰撞 ——这是智慧的火花

——妙语连珠,看我沙场秋点兵 ——鹿死谁手,咱们有理走着瞧

——现在辩论赛马上开始! (主持人到主席座上就位)

——在比赛正式开始前,请允许我宣读一下比赛流程,评分规则,评判标准及奖项设置。 比赛流程:







5、总结陈词,正、反方四辩发言,每队2分钟。 评判标准:



  1审题准确,能多角度、多层次理解,论点鲜明;(1分) 2辩论有广度和深度,层层推进,条理清晰;(2分) 3辩驳中肯,言简意赅,正面交锋;(2分)










2、个人:评委对个人得分的平均分即为该队员得分。(个人最高分10分) 奖项设置:










——下面是最后一环节:总结陈词。首先请反方四辩进行总结陈词,时间是2分钟……时间到!现在请正方四辩进行总结陈词,时间也是2分钟……时间到!感谢双方四辩的精彩总结,本组比赛到此结束,请评委为本组比赛双方打分,请选手退场…… 请收分员收分。 ——下面请12位大众评审准备,为自己觉得比较出色的正反双方中的一方进行举牌投票,一人一分。好的,请准备:一二三,请投票!请收分员清点票数,记分员计分。第一组的分数将在第二组比完后宣布。注意:第二组完了报第一组的分,第三组完了报第二组的分,第三组完了之后,主席再强调一下评分规则吧以节约时间给计分员统计第三组的分数


2、个人:评委对个人得分的平均分即为该队员得分。(个人最高分10分) 》之后再请报分员报第三组的分 ——现在请第二组参赛队上场。 》》》环节同上

(中间有衔接的词,每组参赛队退出后,主持人说几句衔接的话,大体这样):下面请评委为第几组参赛队打分,请收分员收分,好的,感谢评委感谢收分员,请大众评审准备投票……下面有请第三组参赛队上场…… 》》这里是第三组比完之后的话,主席宣布第三组退场之后, ——主持人:那么现在宣布第二组参赛队的得分······现在,三组参赛队已经全部辩论完毕,在计分员统计第三组分数的这段时间里,我再重申一下评分规则……







(唇枪舌战辩是非 高谈阔论抒已见 →这句加不加你们看着写吧,要加就分成两句) ——跌宕成长

