
时间:2024-01-14 07:59:04 作者:皮皮侠 字数:12515字


故宫导游词英文带翻译 篇一


Everybody is good! I am Forbidden City tourism YanJian you can call me xiaoyan tour guide, I want to go with you today Beijing famous scenic spots: the Forbidden City. We went there today: taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace.


I mainly introduce the palace first: Beijing's Forbidden City, is one of the world's largest and best preserved ancient palace complex, is the highest level of ancient Chinese architecture. Beijing the imperial palace, the Ming dynasty yongle four years (1406), was built in the eighteenth year (1420), is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the timely according to the Forbidden City, beginning in 1925, according to the Forbidden City. Ancestor cheng, Beijing from 1421 to 1911 revolution to overthrow the qing government, the last emperor pu yi out of the palace, to end the rule of feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the palace has been the ruling class of the political and cultural center of China, has experienced the 24 emperors.


The Palace Museum covers an area of 720xx0 square meters, construction area of 150000 square meters, the existing buildings of more than 980, have house more than 8700, around the Forbidden City around 10 meters high walls, and there are more than 50 meters wide moat. The middle of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace was built in the city, to the north and the south central axis, faces south, which fully reflect the supreme imperial power of the feudal rule, outside the Forbidden City is emperor city, outside the imperial city and Beijing city, the city surrounded by city, shows the guarded hierarchy.


In history, the Forbidden City has repeatedly reconstruction for fire and other reasons, but the basic pattern has not changed, the entire palace after the building is divided into north and south power at the two parts. Power with taihe, neutralization, and three main halls, are the three main halls in the Forbidden City's tallest building, it is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony, is the symbol of the feudal imperial power. Back to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility of delivery as the center, around something natural to wing, is the emperor, empress, wives, princess lived. Power after the katyn, clear-cut, cannot overstep casually, embodies the ancient Chinese traditional hierarchical, both inside and outside have other ethics. Craftsman will such a large scale of Chinese architecture planning in order to use heavy doors and courtyard to the imperial palace and orderly combination into the magnificent buildings.


The Forbidden City planning and construction of the Ming and qing dynasty, not only inherited the tradition of ancient Chinese architecture, the development and innovation, is the ancient Chinese culture and the achievements of the ancient Chinese architectural art. Its indoor and outdoor architectural space combination, the collocation of cubic construction size, the use of materials, the sketch of the display, decoration, the choice of the color are reached the high level, the exciting art effect.

故宫导游词中英文 篇二


Each guest hello:


I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start today's trip!

故宫是明、清朝时的皇宫,也是当今世界规模最大建筑最雄伟,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿。故宫又叫紫金城。子进程是中国五个世纪以来最高权力中心,他以园林景观和容纳了家具及工艺品的9000个房间的庞大建筑群,成为明清时代中国物价历史的见证,1987年,北京故宫被联合国列入[ 世界遗产名录]。

In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era China's prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations on the world heritage list.


The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please!


Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of the Palace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy.

故宫英文导游词 篇三

The Gate of Heavenly Purity, where emperors from Kangxi to Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty sat on the throne hearing reports and making decisions, is the main gate of the Inner Court.

In front of the Palace of Heavenly there is a small miniature gilded pavilion standing on the east is called Jiangshan Pavilion, representing the integrity of the country; the one on the west is called Sheji Pavilion , the God of Land and Grain, a symbol of bumper harvest in agr xiaozongshi.com iculture.

The first of the three back palaces, the Palace of Heavenly Purity was where the 14 emperors of the Ming and the first two emperors of the Qing Dynasties lived and handle the daily affairs. It was used as an audience chamber for receiving envoys from vassal states who presented their tributes to the emperor. Here was also the place for holding the mourning service for the deceased emperor. The famous “banquet of thousand aged people” was held twice here in the Qing Dynasty. The three famous events took place here. They are “the red pill” event, the “palace coup in 1542” and the event of “moving from this palace.”

The plaque inscribed by the first Qing Emperor Shunzhi, hangs over the throne in the palace and reads, “Be Open and Aboveboard.” It enumerates with modesty, the qualities an ideal Son of Heaven should possess. Beginning in the Qianlong's reign, for reasons of security the name of the successor to the throne was not announced publicly, as it had been preciously, but was written instead on two pieces of paper, one kept on the emperor's person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small box that was stored behind this plaque. The box was opened only when the emperor passed away.

The Palace of Union and Peace was the place where the empress held the important ceremonies and her birthday celebration. The empress usually received greetings from the concubines, concubines, princes and princesses on her birthday celebration.

In the Qing Dynasty, the ceremony for examining the tools of picking mulberry was held here one day before the empress went out to offer the sacrifices on the altar for silkworm in spring.

In 1748, Emperor Qianlong kept twenty-five imperial seals in this hall, symbolizing the imperial power of the emperor. Twenty-five was regarded as a heavenly number for the reason of that: if we plus the total odd numbers of one, three, five, seven and nine together, that is twenty-five which means the imperial authority from the heaven and also indicates the Qing dynasty could rule the country for at least twenty-five generations.

The Water Clock is placed on the west side of this building. It is a time-measure, made by the manufacturing office of the Qing Dynasty based on the Western mechanic theory. On the west of this building, there is a 5.6-meter-high large western chiming clock.

There is a plaque hung in the center of this hall, with two Chinese characters “Wu Wei” inscribed on it.

The palace of Earthly Tranquility was used as the residence for the empresses during the Ming and early Qing dynasties. During the Qing dynasty, the western chamber became the wedding chamber for the emperor.

The Imperial Garden is located on the north-south axis almost at the north-south axis almost at the northern end of the Forbidden City. It is rectangular in shape, 90 meters long from north to south and 130 meters wide from east to west, with an area of over 11, 700 square meters.

The Hall of Imperial Peace is the main building in the Imperial Garden and also the only religious building built along the central axis. It is a Taoist temple and inside the hall the statue of the King of Xuan Wu used to be enshrined.

There are four pavilions built on left and right of the Hall of Imperial peace, two on each side, representing the four seasons of the year. Near the north gate in the Imperial Garden, the Imperial View Pavilion stands on an artificial hill of rocks. The rockery is called “Collecting Elegance Hill”。 In the old days, the emperor would climb up the hills to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival every year in this way.
