
时间:2022-07-15 05:05:15 作者:天下 字数:29074字

英语文化教学是现代教学中非常重要的一门课程,已经成为一种主流的课程,各个阶段对英语文化教育的课程都是非常重视的, 理解英语母体本身的真正含义,真正的将英语这门语言学好,达到综合运用的能力。下面小编给大家带来关于高中英语优秀教案,供大家参考。










- Getting to know your Ss & introducing yourself to the Ss

- Setting up necessary rules for classroom learning and for homework


- Friends and friendship

- Interpersonal relationships


- Agreement

I agree. Yes, I think so. So do I. Me too. Exactly.

No problem. Sure.Certainly. Of course. All right.

You’re right/correct. Good idea.I think that’s a good idea.

- Disagreement

I don’t think so. Neither do I. That’s not right.Yes, but …

I’m afraid not. No way.I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.

Of course not. I disagree.


- Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (Part I. Statements and questions)

1. Reporting statements

“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.

---- Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.

2. Reporting yes-no questions

“Does a friend always have to be a person?” the writer asks us.

---- The writer asks us if a friend always has to be a person.

3. Reporting wh- questions

“What do you call your diary?” Anne’s sister asked her.

---- Anne’s sister asked her what she called her diary.


upset ignore calm concern loose Netherlands German series outdoors dusk thunder entire entirely power curtain dusty partner settle suffer highway recover pack suitcase overcoat teenager exactly disagree grateful dislike tip swap item (32 words)

add up calm down have got to be concerned about

walk the dog go through set down a series of

on purpose in order to at dusk face to face

no longer suffer fromget/be tired ofpack sth. up

get along with fall in love join in(19 phrases)

- survey vet Amsterdam Jewish Nazi Kitty spellbind loneliness Margot gossip secondly (11 words)


1st period – Warming up (P1) & Workbook Listening (P41)

2nd period –Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehension (P2-P3)

3rd & 4th period –Learning about Language (P4-5)

5th period –Using Language (P6 Reading & listening)

6th period–Using Language (P7 Reading & Writing)

7th period–Wb Listening Task & Reading Task (P43-44)

8th period–Writing Task & Project (P46-47)

The 1st period – Warming up & Using language

Goals for the 1st period:

1. Introduce yourself and set up some rules for learning

2. Talk about friends and friendship

3. Learn the new words and expressions:

upset ignore calm concern loose add up calm down have got to

be concerned about walk the dog

Teaching procedures:


1. Introduce yourself

2. Set up some rules for learning:

Before class: 1) Get into the classroom at the first bell.

2) Get everything and yourself ready for the class.

In class: 1) Follow the teacher closely and work with your mind.

2) Take an active part in classroom learning activities.

3) Take notes and raise questions.

4) Speak English as much as you can.

After class: 1) Finish your homework on time and hand it in as required.

2) Review what you’ve learned in class in time.

3) Preview your lesson as required.


1. Introduce the topic Friendship. Ask Ss if they have a very good friend and why he or she can be their good friends.

(Collect the adjectives/nouns Ss use to describe their friends on the Bb.)


Poem 1 Friends Poem 2 Auld Lang Syne

By Jill EgglestonBy Robert Burns

Friends care Should auld acquaintance be forgot

Friends share and never brought to mind?

We need friends Should auld acquaintance be forgot

Everywhere!and days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,

Proverbs: for auld lang syne,

A life without a friend is a life withoutwe’ll take a cup of kindness yes,

a sun. --- French proverbfor auld lang syne.

You can buy friendship with friendship,

but never with dollars.Should auld acquaintance be forgot

--- Unknown and never brought to mind?

A friend is a person with whom I may be Should auld acquaintance be forgot

sincere. With him, I may think aloud. and days of auld lang syne?

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson And here’s a hand, my trusty friend

Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; And gie’s (give us) a hand o’thine

Prosperity is full of friends. We’ll tak’ a cup o’kindness yet

---EuripidesFor auld lang syne.

2. Think: What qualities and behaviors make a good friend?

(a. Let the Ss make a list of 3-5 qualities a good friend should have.

b. Have them work in group of four to collect the list of words.

c. Then ask one from each group to write the words on the Bb.)

3. Have the Ss do the survey in the Sb P1.

4. When they have completed it, have Ss look again at the list on the Bb to see whether it should be revised.

Explanation of each item:

Q1: A: 1 point B. 3 points C. 2 points

This question deals with how thoughtful you are towards others: How much do you value your friend? Would you change the time of the day to go to the cinema to fit in with him/her?

Q2: A: 1 point B. 2 points C. 3 points

This question is concerned with fairness: Is it fair for your friend to borrow something, break it and return it broken?

Q3: A: 1 point B. 2 points C. 3 points

This question deals with your concern for others: Should you make the troubles of your friend more important than your own responsibilities?

Q4: A: 3 point B. 2 points C. 1 points

This question is concerned with responsibilities to a friend. If you are asked to look after something and it is broken or harmed, what should you do?

Q5: A: 0 point B. 2 points C. 0 points

This question is concerned with honesty.

5. Quickly deal with the meaning of the new expressions in this part. We’ll later practice them in Ex 1, 2, 3 in Learning about language on Sb P.4

1) add up: v. to add sth. together

2) upset: adj. sad, unhappy

3) ignore: v. pay no attention to

4) calm…down: v. make sb. calm, comfort sb.

5) have got to …: v. have to do sth.

6) be concerned about: v. be worried about, care about

7) walk the dog: v. exercise the dog

8) loose: adj. not tight


1. add: add ... to;add to; add up; add up to;

Eg. Will you please add some milk to my coffee?

The little baby adds to our enjoyment at the party.

Add up your score and see how many points you get.

Add up these figures foe me, please.

All the money I have in my pocket adds up to $ 125.

2. upset: adj. worried, annoyed; v. cause to worry, to be sad/angry

Eg. I was very upset because one of my friends was rude to me.

His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.

3. ignore: v. pay no attention to; to behave as if you had not heard or seen sb./sth. n. ignorance

Eg. You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.

These are the problems which we can’t afford to ignore.

Sam rudely ignored the inquiry.

He had completely ignored her remark, preferring his own theory.

4. calm: v. calm down

Eg. The mother calmed the baby by giving him some milk.

What the manager said calmed the fears of the works.

We tried to calm him down, but he kept shouting and crying.

Calm down. There’s nothing to worry about.

5. concern: v. concern sth.; be concerned about /with/ for sb. / sth.; n.

Eg. This case concerns the group of people greatly.

What I said at the meeting doesn’t concern you, so don’t worry about it.

Our head teacher is concerned about our study and health all the time.

He has never been concerned about/for what others think of him.

He seemed to be concerned with the case.

Your school work, rather than your private life, is my concern.

My greatest concern is the development of our school.

6. walk the dog: to take a dog for a walk

Eg. He is out walking the dog.

walk sb home/ to a place

It’s late --- let me walk you to the bus stop.

6. If necessary, the T may ask one or two Ss the following questions:

a. What kind of person are you according to the survey?

b. Do you think you can be a good friend to others? And how?

c. What do you think are the basic elements we need to keep our friendship?


Workbook Listening on P41

1. Before you listen, discuss these questions with the class.

1) Do you think it is a good idea to make friends with people from other countries?

(to broaden one’s world outlook; to avoid national stereotypes etc.)

2) What are the advantages of this friendship?

(to practice another language with a native speaker; to learn new ideas and new ways of thinking; to find out more about another country etc.)

2. the 1st Listening of Part 1: Write down what Leslie does in China in one sentence.

(Leslie does some business in China and her company sells buses.)

3. the 2nd Listening of Part 1: Tick the things done by Leslie.

(going out for delicious dinners; visiting a mountain; going to people’s homes)

4. the 1st Listening of Part 2: What does Leslie say about the friends she made in China?

(1) Leslie says that she make friends but they are just business friends because she thinks one cannot make friends on a short visit.

(2) Leslie thinks some of the friends in China may have liked her, but others may try to be nice to her so as to gain a business advantage.


1. Make sentences with the 8 new words and expressions.

2. Prepare and read aloud the rest new words.

The 2nd period – Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehension

Goals for the 2nd period:

1. Have Ss read the text and try their best to understand Anne’s eagerness for friends, friendship, nature and freedom.

2. Get Ss have some knowledge about the Nazi’s cruel deeds towards the Jews during the Second World War.

3. Train Ss’ reading ability of scanning and skimming. Learn to appreciate Anne’s Diary , the classic work.



(2)教材分析与学生分析: 本单元的中心话题是“友谊”,几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming Up部分以调查问卷的形式引导学生了解日常生活中朋友之间发生的真实问题以及解决这些问题的方法;Pre-Reading部分的几个问题启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”进行思考,使学生明确不仅人与人之间可以做朋友,日记也可以成为人们的朋友;Reading部分Anne’s Best Friend以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的`故事;Comprehending部分通过连句、多项选择和问答形式帮助学生对课文内容、细节进行更深入的理解; Using about Language 部分教学本课重点词汇和重点语法项目。

(3)课时安排:The first period: Speaking: Warming Up and Pre-Reading The second period: Reading

The third period: Grammar

The forth Period:Listening

The fifth period: Writing


①知识与技能:Talk about friends and friendship; Practise talking about agreement and disagreement, giving advice and making decisions; Use direct speech and indirect speech; Learn to write an essay to express and support an opinion.

②过程与方法:本单元在读前阶段就提出问题,让学生思考是不是只有人与人之间才能交朋友,然后在阅读中通过安妮的日记向学生说明我们也可以与动物及无生命的日记交朋友。在深刻理解、充分训练的基础上,可以再引导学生深入讨论几个与本单元话题有关的问题:1.描述朋友; 2. 结交网友;3. 观点交流;4. 善不善交朋友; 5. 朋友的重要性。



词汇:add point upset ignore calm concern cheat share reason list series crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust suffer advice situation communicate habit

短语: add up calm down have got to be concerned about go through hide away set down on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

重点语法项目: 直接引语和间接引语的互相转换

难点:Understand the real meaning of friends and friendship;

Discuss the answers to the questions (Reading);

How to teach the Ss to master the usage of Direct Speech and Indirect

Speech(Statement and Questions).

(6)教学策略: Discussion, Student-centered vocabulary, learning, listening, pairwork, teach grammar in real situation

(7)教学煤体设计: A projector and a tape recorder.


Period One:Speaking (Warming Up and Pre-Reading)


Talk about friends and friendship.

Practise talking about agreement and disagreement.


Ask some of the students to read his / her composition for the class, describing one of the problems between friends and how it is solved. Then give some comments.

T: Now, let's check up your homework for last class. I'd like some of you to read his / her composition for the class, describe one of the problems between friends and how it is solved.


T: / think most of us have some good friends. Do you know why people make friends with one another?


First get the students to listen to what a Canadian say about making friends. Then ask them to discuss the two questions.

T: Now we're going to listen to what Leslie Clark, a Canadian has got to say about making friends. After listening, please talk about the two questions in groups of 4. Try to use the following expressions.

1 Do you agree with her?

2 What do you think of people from foreign countries?

Agreement Disagreement

I think so, I don't think so.

I agree.I don't agree

That's correct.Of course not.

That's exactly my opinion. I'm afraid not.

You're quite right. I don't think you are right.


First, get the students to think of four situations among friends in groups of 4 and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends their classmates are. Second, try it out on their own group, checking the questionnaire through and adding up their score and see how many points they can get. Ask them to fill in the form prepared before class. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends their classmates are. Third, ask each student to stand up and walk around the classroom to make a survey on four of other classmates. Show the instructions and decide what kind of friends other classmates are. They can share your questionnaire with one or two other groups and try each other's questionnaires.

At last, show the instructions to help your classmates to know how to improve his or her skills of making good friends with others if necessary.

T: Friends come in many flavors. There are best friends, school friends, fair-weather friends, forever friends and many more. Do you want to know what kind of friends your classmates are? Now let's make a survey. First, please think of four situations among friends and design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.

1. Your friend borrowed 100 Yuan from you last week and hasn't returned it. You will

A. ask him / her to pay back as soon as possible; or you'll end the friendship.

B. ask him / her to pay back if he / she has.

C. tell him / her not to return it.

2. Your friend said your bad words behind you. You will

A. ask him / her to say sorry to you , or you'll stop your friendship.

B. excuse him / her and forget it.

C. ask others to tell him / her that he/she is wrong.

3. You promised to meet your friend at five o'clock but your parents ask you to do homework at home. You will

A. tell him your parents ask you to do homework at home.

B. tell him / her a lie that you are ill.

C. say sorry to him / her and plan to meet him / her another time.

4. You borrowed a bike from your friend, but you had it stolen. You will

A. buy a new one which is the same as his / hers.

B. just tell him / her you had it stolen.

C. say sorry to him/her and buy him/her an old one

After they finish choosing the answers, show the scoring sheet on the screen.


2-5 A fair-weather friend

Only like them when they are happy and popular. If they are feeling down, or if they are having a problem, you don't want to spend time or talk with them. You don't help your friends when they have problems. You are always thinking about yourself.

You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and don't consider others' feelings, you won't make more friends and keep friendship for long.

6-11 A school friend

You see each other in school. You just study and play with them together in school. You may not know everything about each other. You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit considered. You'd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.

12-17 A best friend

You do everything together with your friends: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. If either one has a problem, the other is there to help. You know your friends very well. You understand and yield to each other. You help with each other and improve together. You have a lot of common benefit. Your friendship is good to both of you. You are mutually beneficial.

18-21 Forever friend

You will always listen to your friends and try to help them, even if you disagree or if you are having a problem. Whenever they have any difficulty, you'll try your best to do what you can to help them without hesitation. You devote yourself to your best friends. You are willing to lose what you have, even your life.




1、能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s.

2、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye,… He’s/She’s… He’s/She’s my friend.










1. Free talk (T-S,S-S)


T: Let’s play a game. Close your eyes. Listen and guess: Who’s this?

S1: Hello/hi/ good morning, class!

S2,3,4: Are you…?

S1: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

(当最后一个同学说时,教师参与其中)T: Let me have a try! Em,he’s/she’s…

Ss: No!

T: She’s/He’s…

Ss: No!

T: Em,I don’t know. Who’s she/he? (睁开眼睛看一看)

T: Oh, she’s/he’s…

3. Try to say

T: You did a good job just now! Look! I have some other pictures. Do you know them?

(呈现一组学生熟悉的体育、影视名星)T: Who is she? Who is he?

S1, 2, 3, 4: She’s/He’s…


Ss: She’s Mei Yangyang.

T: Yes! She’s Mei Yangyang. And she’s my friend. (领读friend,my friend,并让学生看口型,准确发音,分男女生读,小组读)

4. Work in pairs (T-S, S-S)

T: Now, you know my friend. Can you introduce your friend to me?

T: Look!You may say ‘She’s/He’s…She's/He's my friend.’(PPT呈现句型)

S1, 2, 3: (Try to introduce)

S1: Hello …

S2: Hello…

S1: (手指另一个同学)She’s/He’s…She’s/He’s my friend.

S2: She’s/He’s…She’s/He’s my friend.


1.Watch and match

(看完影像后指Miss Li头像)T: Who’s she?

Ss: She’s Miss Li.

T: Yes, she’s the teacher.

(指Mike爸爸头像)T: He’s Mike’s dad.

(指Yang Ling妈妈头像)Who’s she?

Ss: And she’s Yang Ling’s mum.

(指Mike头像)T: Who’s he?

Ss: He’s Mike.

T: Who’s she?

Ss: She’s Yang Ling.

T: Yes, they’re Mike and Yang Ling. And they are friends.

T: Today let’s talk about friends.

2. Read and find

Mike和Yang Ling是怎样向父母介绍自己的朋友的?在文中找出来!

S1: She’s Yang Ling. She’s my friend.

S2: He’s Mike. He’s my friend.

Summary: 学生自主归纳出用‘-He’s/She’s…-He’/She’s my friend.’向他人介绍我的朋友)

3.Watch and think

T: Watch the cartoon again; find out what Miss Li and her students are saying. When we say like this? (让学生找出表示告别的交际用语,并联系文中的场景想一想,在生活中怎样去用?)

Ss: Goodbye, …

S1: 在下课的时候说Goodbye。

S2: 放学离开校园时Goodbye。


4. Read the dialogue

1) Read after the video/ tape.

2)Open the books and read after the teacher(读对话时要提醒学生用手指着书上的句子逐句跟读)

3) Read by themselves

4) Read in groups(让学生在小组内分角色读,读出不同角色的感情色彩)


1.Let’s summarize:


What have you learnt today? (今天你学习了什么?)

Topic: My friends(我的朋友)

Patterns: -Goodbye,…(表示与他人告别)

-He’s/She’s…-He’/She’s my friend.(向他人介绍我的朋友)

Please use them as much as you can! (请多多运用它们哦!)

2. Act the dialogue

1) (T-Ss示范表演)T: Now,I’ll be Miss Li.You are all my students. And boys act as Mike, girls act as Yang Ling. OK?

2) Act in groups





3) Act out(提供表演对话的头饰,场景图片等,引导学生演出自己的个性风采)

3. 评价(T-Ss, S-Ss)(通过师生评价和生生评价选出最佳编剧奖和最佳表演奖)


1) Read the dialogue after the tape five times, and act it with your friend.

2) Introduce your friends to your mum and dad, use what you learnt today!

3) Prepare two photos of your friends, cut them out and stick on the paper.

以上就是英语教案《unit 3 My friends》,是由中公教师网收集整编,如有转载,请注明来源。




Millennium Kids is an international youth empowerment environmental organization.

Millennium Kids HQ - Perth Western Australia is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in Perth, Western Australia, began in 1996 after a small group of Western Australian students attended the United Nations ‘Leave It To Us’ environmental conference for children in the UK. On their return from the conference, the young people were disappointed with the level of youth involvement in local environment issues and decided to set the wheels in motion for developing their own environmental conference – “Kids Helping Kids. With support from Perth Zoo, Department of Environment, Clean Up Australia, CALM and the City of South Perth a conference was born and, subsequently, their own youth-based environmental organization, Millennium Kids Inc.

The organization has international affiliates in Canada and South Africa with collaborative organization links in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Millennium Kids Australia is a registered charity with tax deductible status. Millennium Kids is run by kids, for kids, aged 10–25 years. A team of educators, mentors and sponsors support their aim to encourage young people to be leaders by being aware and active in their environment. Young people aged 18–25 can progress to leadership and training roles within the organization helping take practical action to improve their local environment.

The Millennium Kids agenda is directed by its Youth Board, with fifteen members aged between 10 and 25 years, and is supported by the United Nations Environment Program Agenda 21, Chapter 25 Declaration which states ‘national governments should pay more attention to the opinions and concerns of children regarding the environment’ and how it should be managed for future generations’.






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★ 2021高一英语教师教学计划

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★ 音乐情景教学设计6篇

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